About This Report

This 2024 Environmental Social Governance Report (“Report”) is the sixth Environmental Social Governance (ESG) report issued by The Kraft Heinz Company (“Kraft Heinz” or the “Company”). This Report reflects our commitment to transparency and provides details on our ESG progress in the calendar year ending December 31, 2023. Topics included in this report are based on our most significant ESG issues which are reviewed and updated based on our ESG Materiality Assessment.

This Report does not include details on our financial performance. Details on our financial performance can be found in our public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and on our investor relations website at ir.kraftheinzcompany.com. Materiality as used in this report, sometimes referenced as “ESG materiality,” and our ESG materiality review process are intended to reflect priority ESG issues and do not have the same meaning as materiality under U.S. securities laws, in our filings with the SEC, or under similar laws in other jurisdictions. Issues deemed material for purposes of this Report and for purposes of determining our ESG strategies may not be considered material for other purposes, including our SEC or other reporting.

Unless otherwise noted, Kraft Heinz generally utilizes an operational control approach, and this Report covers initiatives and performance metrics associated with our global operations. Kraft Heinz anticipates issuing an ESG Report annually.

We have utilized the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guiding framework in the development of our ESG initiatives. This Report also serves as our Communication on Progress as a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and CEO Water Mandate.

Kraft Heinz supports the SDGs, which represent a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. As such, we considered the SDGs when developing Kraft Heinz’s global ESG strategy and goals. The global ESG strategy of Kraft Heinz supports all 17 SDGs in varying degrees.

This Report was prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Standard. We have also aligned this Report to the general principles of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) for food and beverage companies, as well as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). Separate downloads of our ‘GRI,’ ‘SASB,’ and ‘TCFD’ disclosures are available on our website at www.KraftHeinzCompany.com/ESG.

Kraft Heinz engaged with Bureau Veritas to provide limited assurance in relation to specific 2023 environmental data. Details on our assurance activities are available in the appendix of this Report and on our website at www.KraftHeinzCompany.com/ESG.

We welcome feedback on our ESG strategy and goals. To share questions or comments, please contact ESG@KraftHeinz.com.